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How to Use Computer Vision in Your Workplace

How to Use Computer Vision in Your Workplace

OfficeWonderland |

The ways in which businesses like banks, factories, and shops can benefit the most from using NaViSense solutions to analyze their physical data

Are You Missing Something That Computer Vision Can Fix?

Whether banks, stores, and other businesses that use commercial spaces are aware of it, they generate a large amount of observable environmental data. However, few enterprises use physical activity data to enhance operations, logistics, customer experiences, and sales.

These modifications are enabled by computer vision. According to Forbes, computer vision "enables computers to see things in the real world and interpret their meaning like how humans see things in the real world and make decisions based on what they see. Computer vision can be used to automate the majority of tasks involving the recognition or analysis of visual data, and computer vision solutions are rapidly improving as deep learning advances."

More and more businesses in retail, banking, manufacturing and other industries require computer algorithms that can examine objects, identify patterns, and provide data for analysis. Purpose-built computer vision solutions can provide insights when combined with edge computing, which is computing performed on-site or close to the data source. And even make near-real-time decisions, such as making recommendations or displaying personalized content to customers in-store.

Computer vision, advanced analytics, and supporting technologies and teams are more cost-effective, user-friendly, and efficient than ever before. Additionally, businesses can implement computer vision without modifying their operations.

This report examines the challenges, opportunities, use cases, and best practices for new computer vision technologies in these industries. You will discover:

  • Issues and difficulties with conventional video tools
  • Issues and difficulties with conventional video tools
  •  Use cases for computer vision and partner ecosystems to support them
  • The falling value that companies can obtain for their companies.

Advancement in Real-Time Digital Commerce

Customers and employees are frequently confronted with novel and escalating problems at locations managed by businesses. Recent alterations to the supply chain and the rise of digital competitors necessitate that they do more to engage customers, personalize experiences, and enhance operations such as inventory management.

These businesses must collect and act on real-time customer data, primarily through automation and intelligence analysis. Companies need AI, partner ecosystems, and interactive tools that help them make strategic decisions and automate portions of their physical environments in order to use these capabilities effectively.

In the past, computer vision solutions were required to send data to the cloud for processing, which was time-consuming and expensive. However, when computer vision results are analyzed at the edge, businesses are able to make crucial decisions within minutes. They can also enhance and even automate essential business processes.

According to Forrester, incorporating AI into everything from architecture to operations can help close the gap between businesses and customers. Computer vision is essential to this development. We believe that traditional businesses will adopt this AI-first strategy by 2022, thereby reducing the time required for insights, decisions, and results.

In addition, businesses can combine data from various sources and use what they learn to develop more comprehensive business strategies. Computer vision can be utilized both at the perimeter of a store or facility as well as at the executive level, where leaders can monitor the progress of all physical operations.

Let's talk about NaViSense.

NaViSense is an inexpensive, user-friendly solution that combines computer vision, edge computing, and analytics to collect key environmental data points and provide real-time business insights. NaViSense can "see" the world, analyze visual data, and make decisions using computer vision. This provides businesses with a comprehensive understanding of data and activity in their physical spaces.

NaViSense enables businesses in these industries to utilize their existing camera equipment and data dashboards, such as Tableau, Grafana, Power BI, and others, and export data using an open REST API and JSON data format. NaViSense can adapt to any use case in these environments with the help of its partner ecosystem.

A New Level of Video Analysis Intelligence

In the past, solutions included intelligent cameras, centralized servers, cloud architectures, hardware, and dashboards. Sharp/NEC Display Solutions (Sharp/NEC) and its partners are ushering in a new era of low-cost, user-friendly computer vision solutions with NaViSense by leveraging edge computing, open architecture, and commodity hardware.

A camera is placed on a shelf. Sharp/NEC displays can also collect and process data at the edge as IoT devices.

Sharp/NEC defines all data points and provides the NaViSense technology that enables intelligent data collection and analysis with the assistance of its partners. Sharp/NEC collaborates with integrators to build a business around its services, including installation, the provision of an API for existing dashboards, and installation and integration with companies' preferred technologies. The Raspberry Pi4 compute module from NaViSense is compatible with existing cameras and displays, so no special equipment is required.

Collaborations that turn data into useful information

Companies using NaViSense must establish goals for their data and determine which video segments will be used for analysis. The partner ecosystem of NaViSense offers active human intelligence as a component of its solution. It assists businesses in identifying and acting upon trends that lead to tangible business outcomes.

Enhancing Retail Banking Customers' Experiences: A Case Study

With the help of NaViSense and its analytics partners, a retail bank has begun focusing on customer insights in their brick-and-mortar locations. It was clear from customers' transactions that the bank understood them well, but the institution was still keen to learn more about their routines and other relevant details. Here's an example:

  • Each bank's clientele skews toward specific demographics during peak hours.
  • Peak times for branch traffic
  • Time-of-day wait times, on average, at each location.
  • Consumer preferences as expressed through the labels worn and driven by them

The financial institution collaborated with NaViSense and its partners to identify openings in the market by studying customer profiles, routines, and activity patterns. This increased the quality of service provided to customers in their retail banking establishments.

Techniques and Procedures

In practice, this ecosystem of partners and technologies streamlines the process by which data travels from the real world to the virtual one via computer vision and finally into user dashboards, where it can be used to inform and improve business operations. An external device, like a regular USB/IP camera, keeps track of what goes on in multiple business locations. Afterward, a rPi4, SDM, or another computer employs complex machine learning algorithms to analyze the data. Simple-to-use REST API delivers the results in JSON format.

Details of the Current Tech

Despite the fact that NaViSense has a lot of features, it doesn't require a lot of hardware. NaViSense and its partners can integrate off-the-shelf camera and display solutions. Its REST API also allows teams to continue using their preferred dashboards for analysis.

  • Compute: A Raspberry Pi4 compute module, an external Pi, or an SDM combined with a display device
  • Display: If necessary, ME/M/MA/P Series, projectors, or LED
  • Camera: Works with a wide range of digital, USB, Raspberry Pi, and IP cameras
  • Software: Customer attributes, people count, logo detection, wait times, vehicle classification, clothing detection, object color detection, and other customer attributes are all analyzed.
  • Database: A NoSQL or integrator-supplied database that supports the user's choice of integrator-supplied dashboards or an API export to the user's existing dashboards like Tableau, Grafana, or Power BI.

This way, NaViSense, and its partners provide businesses with the "building blocks" required to develop their own custom computer vision solutions. Companies have low costs and require little extra hardware regardless of which model they choose.

NaViSense's Distinctive Technology: An Overview

In these ways, NaViSA's computer vision solutions have grown in popularity; however, NaViSense will remain the best choice because it is the most powerful, flexible, and cost-effective. A strong partner network also supports it. Here are a few features that distinguish NaViSense and its partner ecosystem:

  • An ecosystem of valuable partners. Our partners in data analytics at NaViSense offer additional support to help you put your analytics to work for you. Moreover, you will get the most bang out of your hardware thanks to NaViSense's ecosystem of integration partners.
  • Easy integration and access to an API. Looking at other computer vision projects, you'll see that hardware adoption and user-friendliness are usually huge hurdles. They may also necessitate pricey consultant fees. NaViSense and its partners handle the groundwork so startups can get up and running quickly and easily.
  • Lots of different dimensions to consider. Businesses can customize their "field of view" to include the specific types of traffic, logos, times of day, and other essential factors. The AI in NaViSense collects data and makes judgments based on those characteristics, resulting in superior analytics results.
  • Near-real-time data, analysis, and output. Physical space data is notoriously difficult to collect in a meaningful and cost-efficient manner. With the power of NaViSense at the edge, stores could target their customers with personalized recommendations on in-store screens based on their demographics and other characteristics.
  • Interactive diagrams. NaViSense helps businesses maximize the value and usability of their analytics-driven visualizations, whether they stick with existing dashboards or switch to something new.

Possibile Application:

One company that sells sporting goods customizes the displays that face the customers.

Choosing what to show on screens in stores can be difficult for merchants. It's tough to tell what kinds of content will resonate with customers at any given time, and static options may not be the best use of their display devices.

Think of a sporting goods store that knows precisely what videos to queue up for customers based on their age, gender, and the logos they're wearing. When a customer picks up an item, the store might also show them relevant content based on their current location and the product they're looking at. NaViSense's collection of anonymous customer attributes is an additional valuable insight that can guide content creation, advertising, and product assortment.

Get Substantial Benefits from Your Computer Vision System.

Get Substantial Benefits from Your Computer Vision System. There is more to computer vision's future than just technological advancements. According to Forbes, "Implementing computer vision is not merely a technology project; it also needs business and interpersonal talent."

Gaining the most return on your investment in computer vision is made possible by end-to-end services made possible by thriving partner ecosystems. Start talking about the possibilities of computer vision with the people who matter to you most in the company, and figure out what you want to get out of it.

Engage Sharp/NEC in a Discussion

Full-service delivery from beginning to end Sharp/NaViSense NEC's solutions are tailor-made for your company to ensure low TCO and zero downtime. When you invest in solutions with NaViSense, you'll also receive the ongoing support of our extensive network of partners. Interested parties should get in touch with Sharp/NEC immediately to arrange for a free demonstration.